Feed The Fire

Feed The Fire is a mindset and paradigm that I have lived by since 2009.  I explored the origins of this paradigm in a previous blog post, you can read it by clicking here

 Feed The Fire is a vision, a challenge, and a practice. 

  1. Vision: To create, with the inclusion and aid of all, a community that is self-sustaining.  To foster people and families toward accountability and integrity. To always encourage the betterment of individuals, keeping in mind that we are only as strong as we challenge ourselves up to be. 
  2. Challenge: What have you done to feed your fire today?  How have you positively impacted another human being’s life?  How have you improved the relationships in your life? These challenges create practices that maintain the paradigm.
  3. Practice: Writing – goals, dreams, beliefs, thoughts – making the abstract real. Drop the “F” bomb – Forgiveness – get rid of pride and have a right emotional response. Approaching each day as an opportunity to improve.

Feed The Fire first began in my mind when I was searching for grounding and stability.  Looking inward and focusing on my heritage, a symbol that represented what I was searching for became clear.  That symbol is a fire, which for my ancestors was a source of warmth, food, and sight.  Once I took on this paradigm it has stuck with me, just like that smokey smell of an open flame fire. 

Feed The Fire is not just an abstract concept, it is has real implications. I’m currently in the process of exploring several real life applications of this concept, I look forward to seeing what Feed The Fire can do for others. 

 I’ve chosen to write about this concept here because I realize that nothing life changing and grand can be accomplished solely by one man or one woman.  It takes a group effort to significantly impact our environment.  I encourage any person to join me in exploring this concept and spreading this paradigm.  Feel free to comment below.

5 responses to “Feed The Fire

  1. Pingback: Family Food Drive | Jarrid Smith

  2. Teresa Ledesma

    I have always had a passion for those in our community and our world who struggle to find the basic necessities we all need to live, such as food, clothing, a job and shelter. I have been wanting to put together a clothing drive, a food drive or a school supply drive but have no idea on how to do it. Could you please give me ideas?

  3. Discipline. Responsibility. Education. Attitude. Motivation. I’m with you brother, my foundation support your movement. D.R.E.A.M

  4. That is a great mindset to have Jarrid. In reading about you it’s easy to see you are passionate and open to be a part of betterment for society. We have this in common, and I appreciate reading your words and exploring your ideas. Thanks for sharing, and continuing to feed the fire.

  5. Luis

    hello Jared,

    I came upon your site while wanting to find out more info on tribes in florida . through your blog I got a feel for the modern fl tribes. I recently came back from Ecuador where I served 2 years serving as a peace corps volunteer. While there I lived within a indigenous village that had quichuas shuars a shuars and Zaparos. it was an amazing experience to live in the amazon jungle. I can’t wait to go back. I’m in Orlando but would like to visit a fl reservation any recommendations I don’t really care for casinos. I really liked ur blog btw keep up the good work and positive energy

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